E85 Picking Up Speed?
Topic: Transportation
Posted: Thu, May 18, 2006
Recently I've been hearing more and more local buzz about E85, which is a cleaner and less oil-dependent fuel mixure of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. I've read about success stories in Brazil for awhile, and occasionally heard it knocked around in domestic news, but it seems like Indiana (and the Midwest in general) is starting to really pick up on it. And for good reason: ethanol is produced from corn -- and yeah -- "there's more than corn in Indiana," but c'mon. This trend should be good for local farmers, which should be good for the state in general.
Stations that pump E85 have been appearing around the state recently, the latest addition close to Indy in Carmel, at the Crystal Flash station on Rangeline south of Main.
With gas prices soaring, and E85 sold for about 30% less than regular unleaded, it seems likely that demand will increase. My understanding is that modern cars can run on E85, but really aren't designed to, so may experience problems or serious inefficiencies. GM is coming out with some cars that handle both E85 and regular 10% Ethanol well, which should also help spur demand.
UPDATE: I've written a new post based on a useful article published in Consumer Reports that casts some doubts on the benefits of E85.
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1. May 19, 06 10:34 AM | Ami said:
Have you been moonlighting at the Indy Star? I just read an article about the installation of a new E85 pump somewhere that wasn't Reynolds, IN (town that is trying to become energy-independent). I wrote a letter to the editor stating that we needed more helpful information -- like where the other 29 E85 gas stations are located. Anyway, your post answered questions for me! Thanks!
2. May 19, 06 01:12 PM | Jim Chalex said:
Glad it was helpful, Ami. Curious: do you own a car that runs on E85, or know of someone who does?
3. May 19, 06 02:35 PM | Ami said:
I believe that yes, the 2000 Dodge Caravan we bought in Feb 2001 does. It was a Canadian vehicle originally, and I remember that it gave an ethanol mpg first on the sticker. I think there's also a note on the inside of the gas cap cover about it running well on Ethanol. I'm not sure what "concentration" of ethanol vs gasoline it's good for. Dustin would have a good idea about all this too; he's more the info junkie than I am...
4. Jun 7, 06 02:35 PM | Jeff Wilson said:
I've been burning E85 for about 2 months. Unfortunately when I went to Crystal Flash, their price was higher than gasoline. I typically fill up at Meier in Speedway. It runs 10-20 cents cheaper. Not as cheap as it should be but I'll support the farmers!