Jim Chalex
Freakishly tall, downright bald, Jim moved to the bucolic Indiana countryside from the burbs of Chicago to attend Indiana University. From there he moved to Indianapolis to find work in the publishing industry. He's an outsider prone to regional gaffes, such as: "What's the Oaken Bucket?" and "Who's Treeboy?" Thus, his insight into Indianapolis culture is marginal at best, and his opinions are not to be trusted. Jim likes to spend most of his free time reading, cycling, playing in his band, and vacuuming.
Jim has written 16 Articles:
- The Seventh Seal
- Update: E85 in Indiana and the "Ethanol Myth"
- Fishers Ren Faire Redux
- Indianapolis Ghost Tours
- E85 Picking Up Speed?
- Brownsburg Goes Wireless
- About Time for Roundabouts
- Pinheads
- Ye Olde Fishers Ren Faire
- Indiana Transportation Museum
- A Day at Oldfields
- Flowing Well Park
- Indianapolis Zoo
- Movie Review: Aguirre, the Wrath of God
- Diluvian Damage
- Crossroads of Amaryjane
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