Steph Mineart
As a child, Steph Mineart wanted to be a magazine writer or a novelist. One of her favorite childhood toys was a real working typewriter, which she used to make up stories that her brothers then stole and read out loud, making fun of her. Maybe that's why she ended up being a web designer instead, although she jumped at the chance to fulfill her childhood dream by writing for IndyScribe.
A native Hawkeye, Steph moved to Indiana in 1982, right after junior high. After graduating from Noblesville High School in 1986, she scored a degree in Journalism from Ball State U. in 1991 (along with an always useful second degree in philosophy). Then she got the hell out of Muncie, moving to downtown Indianapolis and never looking back.
Steph is a homeowner in Herron-Morton Place neighborhood, and resides in a 110-year-old Victorian with her dog and three cats. She has an undisguised preference for downtown living.
An obsessed reader with a huge personal library, Steph is involved with two separate reading groups and subscribes to both Entertainment Weekly and the Utne Reader
She is also a road-trip enthusiast with a penchant for day trips, local color, and photographing roadside attractions and advertising art. She's a website designer for a London-based media company and has a large personal website of her own.
Steph has written 133 Articles:
- Balloon Over Old Northside
- Scenes from the Broadripple Art Fair
- Bosphorus Istanbul Cafe
- Community Shred Day
- Crime Stoppers Community Shred Day – April 28
- Stutz Artists Studio Open House This Weekend
- Indiana State Police Emergency Rescue Team Training
- Dining Out For Life Today
- The Indianapolis Cultural Trail Groundbreaking Ceremony
- Computer Recycling Event - Saturday, April 14th
- Rocky River Grillhouse
- Atrocious Apostrophe Crime
- Doggie i the Window
- American Super Heroes Museum Opens
- Indianapolis Urban Development and Rapid Transit
- Indianapolis Tops CNN's List of Affordable Housing Markets
- Indianapolis Signature Foods?
- GenCon Registration Opens
- Send Us Your Winter Storm Photos
- Colts Celebrations
- Eastgate Mall goes on the Auction Block
- IMAX Theater Celebrates 10 Years with Giant Cake
- IMAX Attempts "Nation's Longest Cake" for 10th Anniversary
- Free Concert - Indianapolis Symphonic Choir Chamber Singers
- New Comments Feeds
- Up and Running
- Book Review - Rough Magicke
- Post-Holiday Recycling
- Action Duckpin Bowl at the Fountain Square Theater
- The Book of Fate
- An Event We Should Do In Indianapolis
- Townhall Meeting on Recycling - Mon. Oct. 30th
- A Name Like No Other
- Indianapolis Cultural Trail Launch on October 14
- Indianapolis Flickr Photo Pools
- Indy Undercover
- Holiday World on the Colbert Report
- From Dark Pages: A Progressive Mystery Play
- 25th Annual Banned Books Week - Sept. 23-30
- International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Sept. 19th
- 11th Annual Indy Irish Fest - Sept. 15-17
- Indianapolis Re-launches Curbside Recycling Program
- Book Review: Our Town: A Heartland Lynching, a Haunted Town, and the Hidden History of White America
- Recycling In Indianapolis
- Indiana Terrorist Target Extravaganza
- Steph's Great House Hunt
- Proposal: Ikea Store at Eastgate Mall
- Indianapolis Historic Neighborhood Plans
- At least we're in the top 20
- 4 Neat Things About Indianapolis
- Scavenger Hunt to benefit ICAAN
- Indianapolis International Film Festival
- What is this south side you speak of?
- Set in Indiana: Lonesome Jim
- Stakeout on Millennium Drive
- Indianapolis sure is cheap
- Kite-Flying in Indianapolis?
- Lazy Muncie
- Submit a State Slogan
- "Ragtime" at Perry Meridian High School
- Indy Arts Card
- Penny Postcards from Marion County, Indiana
- KISS Writes Song, Marketing for IRL
- Brokeback Mountain opens Wednesday, Dec. 28th
- IndyScribe Holiday Photo Contest
- Keystone Art Cinema opens December 9th
- A Christmas Story at the Indiana Historical Society
- Promises, Promises
- An Indianapolis Star Quiz for You
- Indianapolis and City Planning
- Indianapolis Street Names
- Historic Irvington Halloween Festival - Sat. Oct. 29th
- Fishers Renaissance Faire: Huzzah!
- Fishers Renaissance Faire, October 8th & 9th
- James Dean Museum Days in Fairmount, Indiana
- INtake writer drinks the kool-aid regarding IndyGo
- Yen Ching
- Things You Can Do for Katrina Victims
- Bring Them Home Now Tour Stops In Indy
- Set in Indiana: Close to Home
- Herron-Morton Place Neighborhood Yard Sale
- Area Man Eats Chicken At Indiana State Fair
- Tea's Me Cafe and Gifts
- Freecycling Revisited
- Social Commentary on the Wall
- Indy public transportation project stalls
- Indianapolis Theatre Fringe Festival - August 19-28, 2005
- Rep. Espich on supporting bigotry: "I sure do!"
- Popular Movies That Stunk
- IndyScribe T-Shirts
- Breaking Away
- TV Shows on DVD
- Dining Out For Life - Today!
- Freecycling - Giving away your stuff
- Holiday World Starts a Blog
- How to Have Open Heart Surgery in Indianapolis
- Tooting Our Own Horns
- Shopping for Shoelaces
- Seven-Screen Art Theater - Woo hoo!
- Dining Out For Life - Thursday, April 14th
- Town and Country Sign, 44th & Binford Blvd.
- Nice Try, Though
- Indiana Women To Row Across The Ocean
- Statehouse Rally for Equal Marriage Rights - March 8
- Exhibit: Glimpses of the African-American Artist
- My Top 10 Favorite Love Songs
- Review: The Settlers of Catan
- Georgia O'Keeffe: Visions of the Sublime
- Books about Indianapolis and Indiana
- Bub's Burgers and Ice Cream
- Herron-Morton Place Neighborhood
- Fake S.W.A.T. Van and Other Weird Stuff I See Driving To Work
- Trivial Pursuit: Book Lover's Edition
- Crate and Barrel comes to the Fashion Mall
- Wireless Hotspots in Indianapolis
- Rain, rain, go the hell away
- May We Suggest "Flat, cheap and out of control?"
- Story Time At the Zoo
- Movie Review: Closer
- Indianapolis Aerial Photography
- Hidden Indy: Broad Ripple Dam
- Hidden Indy: The Catacombs Beneath Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
- WTTS 92.3 is playing through their entire catalog
- Hidden Indy: The Mystery Tao on Delaware
- Book Review: Indiana Curiosities
- Giant Red Arrow Coming to Indianapolis
- Indy Star's "2005 hotlist" is really not that hot
- IMA Closes for 4 Months
- One Book, One City
- Mini-Marathon Sells Out Early
- Apparently We Missed A Really Big Party
- Rupert Sightings
- Guest Author FAQ
Guest Authors
Authors Emeriti
- About Us
- Board and Video Games
- Books
- Day Trips
- Events & Festivals
- Film & TV
- Geek Bling
- History
- Hoosier Oddities
- Indianapolis In the News
- Indianapolis Living
- Kids' Stuff
- Local Attractions
- Local Celebrities
- Museums and Visual Arts
- Music
- Night Life
- Photos
- Restaurants
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- Transportation
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