Naptown Takes Knoxville To School
Topic: Sports
Posted: Sun, Apr 22, 2007
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Saturday night the Naptown Roller Girls, The Tornado Sirens, battled it out with Knoxville Tennesse's Hard Knox All Stars for a neck and neck, action packed bout. Skates blazed, falls were taken, fists flew and chairs were thrown in one of the most spectacular matches yet.
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The Indianapolis Cultural Trail Groundbreaking Ceremony
Topic: Indianapolis Living | Sports
Posted: Tue, Apr 10, 2007
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You're invited to the official groundbreaking ceremony for the The Indianapolis Cultural Trail, Wednesday, April 25, at the corner of North and Alabama Streets. Mayor Bart Peterson and CICF President Brian Payne will provide briefannouncements on construction and fund-raising. This event is free and open to the public. For more information call 317.713.3333 or e-mail
The Indianapolis Cultural Trail will be a 7.5 mile-long urban bike and pedestrian path that connects neighborhoods, Cultural Districts and entertainment amenities in downtown Indianapolis, connecting the central Indiana greenway system.
The five downtown cultural districts connected by the Indianapolis Cultural Trail include Fountain Square, Indiana Avenue, Mass Ave, The Canal & White River State Park, and the Wholesale District. The Cultural Trail will also connect with the Monon Trail, allowing visitors easy access to Broad Ripple Village from downtown.
Visit the Cultural Trail website to see the planned greenspaces, including before pictures and artists renderings of the completed trail.
The Cultural Trail is made possible by a large public and private collaboration led by Central Indiana Community Foundation, the City of Indianapolis and several not-for-profit organizations devoted to building a better city.
More info on Indiana Green Spaces:
More Than Just The Superbowl
Topic: Sports
Posted: Mon, Feb 5, 2007
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It may have been cold outside but it was hot inside as... no... wait... They may be pretty but these girls are deadly when it... comes to... no... that's no good... More than hearts were broken for this Valentines Day bash... when... ugh.
Ok. How about this... There are many situations when the phrase "Knock that bitch down" is inappropriate. This was not one of them.
Continue reading "More Than Just The Superbowl"
Indy Runners
Topic: Sports
Posted: Wed, Jan 31, 2007
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My sister is currently training for a run coming up in March, which made me curious. And me being curious can lead to all kinds of things. In this case, it led to the Indy Runners website. Check it out.
Colts Celebrations
Topic: Sports
Posted: Fri, Jan 26, 2007
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Three opportunities for showing off your Colts pride:
Friday, January 26
Blue Friday at Circle Centre mall. The Colts will host Blue Friday, sponsored in part by Bud Light, at the Circle Centre mall food court from 11a.m. -1 p.m. Fans will have a chance to listen to live music from Dave & Rae, get autographs from Colts alumni, Cheerleaders and Blue, the Colts mascot. Fans will receive great giveaways including a free Super Bowl collector's edition playoff poster. Fans will also have a chance to enter a raffle to support the Children's Bureau of Indiana for a chance to win Super Bowl apparel.
Monday, January 29
CBS The Early Show Pep Rally. CBS's The Early Show's Dave Price will be broadcasting live from Indianapolis Monday morning starting at 6:30 a.m. The nationally-televised show will break in periodically from the RCA Dome's 12th Man Alley, directly south of the Dome. Fans are invited to join Price, Mayor Peterson, Blue Crew members and others. Fans can park in Lot 3 behind the Dome free until 9 a.m.
All City Rally & Kick off Super Blue Week
The city and the Colts will kick off "Super Blue Week" in Indianapolis on "Super Blue Monday" on Monument Circle, Monday, January 29 at noon. The city will officially send the Colts off to the Super Bowl and kick-off week-long events to celebrate the Colts and their playoff run.
Action Duckpin Bowl at the Fountain Square Theater
Topic: Local Attractions | Night Life | Sports
Posted: Mon, Nov 20, 2006
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Duckpin bowling is an old favorite for Indianapolis folks, so I'm not introducing anything new. There are two great Duckpin Bowling alleys in the Fountain Square Theater building downtown, and my friends and I spent Friday night there hanging out, eating pizza, drinking beer and bowling (or trying to!).
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Indianapolis Cultural Trail Launch on October 14
Topic: Events & Festivals | Sports
Posted: Wed, Oct 4, 2006
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The Indianapolis Cultural Trail is a world-class urban bike and pedestrian path that connects neighborhoods, cultural districts and entertainment amenities, and serves as the downtown hub for the central Indiana greenway trail system.
Launch Events
Saturday, October 14th
Location: English Foundation Building, corner of North and Alabama streets
Be among the first in Indianapolis to see the route and design elements of the Indianapolis Cultural Trail-the 7.5-mile path that will be the downtown hub for central Indiana's greenway trail system and an icon for the urban development and cultural attractions that have come to define our city.
Civic and community leaders, downtown residents and commuters will gather for festivities to unveil the plans for the Cultural Trail. The event, hosted by the Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) and the City of Indianapolis, commemorates the vision and mission to link neighborhoods, cultural districts and entertainment amenities throughout downtown Indianapolis.
Information fair: 10 a.m. - noon
Downtown neighbors and trails enthusiasts should plan to attend this fun family event.
Trail tours: noon - 2 p.m.
The public is invited to tour nearby sections of the Cultural Trail route on bike to learn more about how the trail will connect and enhance the neighborhoods and attractions along its path.
Construction Plans for the Trail
Construction of the Indianapolis Cultural Trail will be done in six corridor stages over three years, beginning in 2007.
The Surreal Life: Indianapolis Mini-Marathon Edition
Topic: Sports
Posted: Wed, May 24, 2006
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For the last six years, I have run or walked in the Indianapolis mini-marathon, the country's largest half-marathon (that's 13.1 miles) with 35,000 participants. It's quite the spectacle: a neverending river of runners, the fanfare, the music, the 2-1/2 mile lap around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It's very well covered by the local mainsteam media.
What no one ever mentions, though, is that the experience is kind of...strange. In order to get the runners to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and back, the race puts you in some pretty untouristy neighborhoods. On top of that, the race organizers liberally sprinkle the course with entertainment--bands, cloggers, cheerleaders--you name it. There's nothing more surreal that listening to a punk band at 8:00 in the morning whilst running past a giant oil tank.
But why try to explain? I'll let the pictures do the talking.
Continue reading "The Surreal Life: Indianapolis Mini-Marathon Edition"
Sports: 2006 Winter Olympics
Topic: Sports
Posted: Tue, Feb 14, 2006
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It's funny how during the Olympics, we all seem to become momentary experts on these obscure things that otherwise never enter our lives. We snipe about wobbly telemark landings, not-quite-1080° twists, or death spirals that just don't seem deadly enough. Forget the judges, experts in their fields who were often Olympians or world-class competitors themselves; we are clearly more knowledgeable, and we have a better view of the action from the comfort of our sofas.
Continue reading "Sports: 2006 Winter Olympics"
Topic: Kids' Stuff | Sports
Posted: Sat, Feb 11, 2006
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It was Saturday morning, and I was slowly losing my son to boredom. We'd already gone through Matchbox cars, airplanes, hide-and-seek, the Internet, Crater Toss (don't ask) and PBS Kids, but all had long lost their novelty. I gradually confronted the inevitable: we had to leave the house. But where?
Continue reading "Pinheads"
KISS Writes Song, Marketing for IRL
Topic: Sports
Posted: Wed, Jan 18, 2006
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The Indy Racing League recently announced that it's hired KISS front man Gene Simmons to promote the 2006 racing season, the campaign is called "I Am Indy" and will feature a song of that name by Simmons, as well as ads in TV, print, radio and the internet. You can hear the song here.
Yep, sounds like a winning campaign to me.
The Colts And The Next 30 Years
Topic: Sports
Posted: Thu, Sep 1, 2005
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So... you'll have to excuse me for being the least likely to know anything about sports... but with this 30 year lease thing - does this mean that we won't have to hear about how the Colts are threatening to move to another city every two or three years? Even if the new stadium is obsolete by the time it's built?
Moron On The Monon: Pedal and Park
Topic: Indianapolis Living | Sports | Transportation
Posted: Thu, Aug 18, 2005
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Once again - the disclaimer of this series is that the "moron" in question is yours truly. In anycase, I was finally able to haul the bike out of the garage, dust it off, and take advantage of the location of my new home - which is pretty much right next to the Monon. It gives the home a park-like feeling to be able to look out and see people riding their bikes, jogging or just walking past on the trail.
My main destination was the Indiana State Fair. I didn't plan on going, but since I can hear the nightly concerts from my house, I just wanted to cruise on by. Rows and Rows of cars filled the overflow lots and the grounds of the Indiana School for The Deaf. Upon passing 40th street, the rows of cars turned into RVs. It seems not every traveling fair is like HBO's Carnivale, as evidenced by the tripod supported Direct TV dishes hooked up to many of the RVs. Ah - the comforts of home...
One nice thing about using the Monon to access the Fair Grounds is something called "Pedal and Park". Near 38th street and Gate 18, a fenced area is set up, with attendants, who allow bicycle riders to park their bikes freely and securely. Open from 10:00 a.m. until 7 p.m., running August 10th through the 21st (ok - it's a bit late, yes, I know - but what do you want? I've been busy), Park and Pedal is in place to encourage non-motorized transportation - including roller blades.
Park and Pedal at
Summer's a-Comin'
Topic: Events & Festivals | Indianapolis Living | Sports
Posted: Thu, May 19, 2005
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After a mercurial spring, I am so ready for summer: Muggy, sweaty, stultifying, tick-infested, crime-rate-increasing, glorious summer. Here’s why.
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Breaking Away
Posted: Wed, May 18, 2005
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I'm a Ball State Alum, so seeing the movie "Breaking Away" wasn't an obligatory part of my college education the way it seems to have been for Indiana University grads. I've lived in Indiana for 23 years and I never saw it, so when I noticed it on cable the other day, I TIVO'ed and watched it to round out my Hoosier education. The 1979 movie is set and filmed in Bloomington, Indiana, and is a nice, quiet "coming of age" movie about four Bloomington High School graduates who are not planning on going to college (AKA "cutters"), and their interaction with I.U. students during the "Little 500" bicycle race.
Continue reading "Breaking Away"
Wave Runner Psychology
Topic: Sports
Posted: Mon, Apr 11, 2005
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Indiana's supposed to be a friendly midwestern place, right? To test that theory, I started doing the "wave test" when I go running.
A lot of runners will usually perform some sort of greeting when they pass each other — a wave, a nod, a good morning — something that acknowledges that you're in the cult; a gesture that indicates, "Hey, it's 6:30 a.m., dark, cold and sleeting. You're out of your mind too!"
Continue reading "Wave Runner Psychology"
Moron on The Monon
Topic: Indianapolis Living | Sports
Posted: Fri, Mar 11, 2005
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Aside from any other morons on the Monon, the one moron we're talking about would be yours truly. No matter how badly it's snowing outside right now, I'm eager to get back outside and hit the Monon. I'm one of the folks who consider it a blessing that the Monon Trail is close to where I live and to where I work.
During the summer last year, I was able to ride my bike in to work in relative safety. It gave me a nice boost to the day, provided me with some exercise, and even saved me a few bucks on gas. Let's not talk about the price of gas though.
Something that I found very useful was the Indy Greenways website, which has plenty of information for fair weather trail fiends like me. Maps, updates on new trails, construction notices for existing trails - the folks at Indy Greenways do a fine job. And while I'm at it, a not-so-bad resource for local punk rock bike enthusiasts is the Indianapolis Hardcore website. Believe it or not, hardcore punk rock kids enjoy their bikes. Though you will probably never find one of them on the Monon.
Indiana Women To Row Across The Ocean
Topic: Sports
Posted: Tue, Mar 1, 2005
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In November of this year, two young Indiana college students, Sarah Kessans and Emily Kohl, will attempt to row across the Atlantic Ocean in a 2,900 nautical mile rowing race from the Canary Islands to the West Indies. The race is one of the most extreme physical sports challenges in the world; more people have climbed Mount Everest than have rowed across an ocean.
Continue reading "Indiana Women To Row Across The Ocean"
Books about Indianapolis and Indiana
Topic: Books | History | Sports
Posted: Sun, Feb 6, 2005
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Several members of the IndyScribe team have been perusing Indianapolis and Indiana literature during research for the writing we're doing, and for education and entertainment about the city we live in. Since we've been passing books around between us, I thought it might help us (and maybe you) to put together a list of books that have a Circle City connection.
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Mini Allows Registration Transfers for the First Time
Topic: Events & Festivals | Sports
Posted: Fri, Jan 7, 2005
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Are you kicking yourself because you didn't register for the 500 Festival Mini Marathon before it sold out on Dec. 13? This year it's allowing transfers for the fo find out more visit their Web site.
Mini-Marathon Sells Out Early
Topic: Events & Festivals | Sports
Posted: Mon, Dec 13, 2004
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From the Indy Star: "Officials at the 500 Festival announced today the 2005 half-marathon has sold out at the earliest date in its 29 years of running.
The OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon, which will be held on May 7, will have approximately 30,000 runners and walkers, officials said. The cap was reached today, with some paper applications yet to be processed.
The race sold out several weeks ahead of last year's record pace. Terry Powers, spokesman for the 500 Festival, attributed the early sellout to continuing strong interest in the nation's largest half-marathon, plus high demand last year."
Captain Jack Glasscock
Posted: Sun, Nov 7, 2004
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John Wesley "Jack," "Pebbly Jack" Glasscock is considered by many to have been the best shortstop of the nineteenth century, earning him the accolade "King of the Shortstops." His contemporary, Al Spink, founder and editor of The Sporting News, wrote of Glasscock "he was acknowledged by all his fellow players to be the greatest in his position" and "one of the greatest players from a fielding standpoint the game has ever known."
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