Wild Oats
Topic: Restaurants
Posted: Tue, Jan 11, 2005
The Wild Oats "Natural" Grocery Store chain isn't exactly a restaurant, but it's one of the best damn places to get a healthy and diverse lunch. If one of your New Year's resolutions is to eat better, then this is an excellent place to start. On top of that, you won't be limited to grass and sticks (unless that's what you want). There's plenty of yummy food on hand -- even pizza. They'll even give you a place to sit and enjoy it.
Many grocery stores have some sort of to-go offering -- sandwiches encased in saran wrap, cold sodas, microwavable burritos -- but no one offers the the array of delicious treats that Wild Oats does. I go here for lunch at least twice a week. They offer the added benefit of plenty of seating at the front of the store, so if you're not in the mood to eat hunched over you desk, you can sit by the big sunny windows (or even outside in warmer months) and enjoy your food right there. Let me walk you through the store on a typical lunch outing:
Start in the produce department, which is by the entrance. Pick up something ripe and juicy. Apples and navel oranges are a good bet right now. If you want to go exotic, they have stuff like Ugli fruit, papayas and mangoes.
Next, go over to the bulk food aisle. If you pick up a few items for your 3:30 snack now, you won't be eating Ding Dongs out of the vending machine later. I like the sunflower seeds and wasabi peas. If you haven't tried wasabi peas, I highly recommend them. They sound gross but they're not. There's also a vast selection of granok yourself out.
Next, head over to the dairy aisle and grab a yogurt. They have a bunch of low-fat and no-fat varieties in flavors like caramel and maple, as well as the more traditional fruit permutations. If you're feeling kind of crazy, try the soy or goat milk yogurt.
Okay, now you're ready for the big guns. On the south end of the store you'll find lunch Nirvana. They have pizza, a deli counter with a nice selection of pasta and grain salads, made-to-order sandwiches, fresh sushi, a soup bar, pre-made Mediterranean platters, a juice bar, rolls, bagels, scones, and the most kick-ass salad bar in town. It sports three kinds of lettuce mixes, pasta salads, bean salads, grain salads, nuts, fresh fruit, all sorts of fresh veggies, and stuff that's too expensive so most salad bars skip it, like hearts of palm and artichokes. There about 8 or more dressings to choose from, as well as high quality vinegar and oil.
The juice bar is a revelation. You can go from the menu board of their suggested fruit or veggie combos or make up your own. I like a blueberry-banana combo or beet-carrot when I'm feeling vegetal. Get that wheat grass shot for a little something extra.
As for desserts, you can go healthy with spelt cookies (not recommended) or just splurge and get a hunk of chocolate cake, which is excellent. In fact they have an entire refrigerator case of luxe desserts, so if you want to blow your diet you can do that here too.
Once you've made your selections and checked out, there's plenty of seating. You can buy a magazine to read while you eat or grab a free Nuvo (free papers are in the exit vestibule).
The nice thing about going to a grocery store for lunch is that with a little pre-planning, you can also pick up dinner for later that night. Wild Oats has most of the standards, although because its focus is natural and organic foods, you will pay more, as well as sometimes have trouble finding some basics. (What? No aluminum foil?)
So, give it a try. It's a great little lunch spot with something for everyone, especially if you're looking for something differnt, something healthy, or just something really tasty.
Wild Oats Market
1300 E 86th Street
Web site: http://www.wildoats.com/u/home/
Lunch, January 11, 2005
Service: Serve Yourself
Price: $$
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1. Jan 12, 05 09:19 AM | Rachel Wolfe said:
My favorite is the wood-smoked salmon panini: smoked salmon topped with provolone cheese, red onions, fresh tomatoes, and basil aioli, served on focaccia. I get it without onions, because I cannot in good faith eat such pungent red onions for lunch and then go back to the office. That onion smell follows you around all day.
2. Jan 12, 05 10:50 AM | Steph Mineart said:
Jen's right; wasabi peas are great. I also tend to get pumpkin seeds, roasted almonds or occasionally dried corn kernels. The bulk food aisle is just huge and offers more than any other grocery I've seen. The also have a great selection of organic and grain fed meat items; expensive but the selection is good if you're concerned about the meat you eat. They have a large selection of vitamins and supplements too. That can also be pricey if you're not careful, but I tend to buy my vitamins there because I can locate everything I want. And of course, Wild Oats is where I got my collection of magnetic monkeys for my cube at work. :-)
3. Jan 12, 05 12:27 PM | Jim Chalex said:
For vegetarians, it would be hard to do better than Wild Oats. Personally, I've flirted with vegetarianism, and Wild Oats makes that option far more palatable.
4. Jan 14, 05 01:13 PM | Dave Nurkiewicz said:
I too flirted with going to the vegan side, but then I realized I love to kill things and eat them...
Just thought I would post a little trash-talk in here to spice things up a bit. Great site guys: definately one I'll visit often.
5. Jun 13, 13 03:34 AM | Stanton Friedlander said:
Hallo mensen ben nieuw hier, mijn naam is Ryan. Ik gebruik mijn online alias en ik hou van computers, technologie, biotech en onderwerpen gezondheidszorg.
6. Jul 7, 13 11:00 PM | Ramona Curvin said:
Hai colpito il chiodo sulla testa il mio amico! Alcune persone semplicemente non capisco!