Nice Try, Though
Posted: Wed, Mar 2, 2005
Sometimes a building style is so identified with its original business that it's hard to shake the association, even when the business is long gone. Here's our photo gallery of bad building conversions around Indianapolis. Let us know about the ones you've spotted around town...
This Indian Restaurant on east 38th Street doesn't disguise its former existence as a Pizza Hut very well.
Peggy's Restaurant can try all it wants, but it's no Lums Restaurant.
I'm not certain, but I think this Pawn shop used to be a Long John Silvers?
Woo hoo! Let's go to the Taco Bell Dentist!
Jen's theory that this lighting store might be a former Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips is close, but I think it might not be the case after comparing the signs.
It's not really that obvious at first, but if you look at Rancho Grande Restaurant near 86th and Ditch, you can see it used to be a Chinese Restaurant
They tried adding some Asian design adornment to the windows, but it's pretty obvious that Tokyo Joe's started life as a Noble Roman's.
However, they do have a great "Lunh Buffet."
The Photo Mat at 86th and Ditch is now Joey's Produce. They should probably take down the digital services sign to make the complete transformation.
My doggy Spike goes with me on a trip to find more funny building conversions
This former Ponderosa on east Washington now serves up Chinese food
As does this one on 10th and Shadeland. Notice the nice Ponderosa landscape image still in place.
Indianapolis residents were devastated when the Roslyns Bakeries all over town closed, and even more upset when their classic "googie" style signs were converted to Cash and Go signs.
This Long John Silvers ended up being an auto service place.
The Blockbuster sign doesn't quite hide that this building used to be a Papa John's Restaurant.
I recognize the original building as a restaurant, but can't quite put a name to it. It wasn't a Napa Auto Parts, though. Was it a steakhouse?
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1. Mar 2, 05 07:47 PM | Steph Mineart said:
There's a great website of photos like this from around the country at the website called "Not Fooling Anybody"
2. Mar 2, 05 08:07 PM | Greg said:
How about all those check cashing places that used to be Roselyn's?
3. Mar 3, 05 07:46 AM | Steph Mineart said:
Yep, Roselyn's is on our list of pictures to take. There's also a great Dentist's office/former Mexican restaurant on east Washington that's just dying to be included here.
4. Mar 17, 05 10:56 AM | Steph Mineart said:
Jen was suggesting that the Indiana Lighting Center on 38th and Lafayette might be a former Arthur Treacher's but I think it's slightly different.
5. Feb 21, 06 07:29 PM | Sam Hasler said:
I think your NAPA store is in Irvington and I seem to recal it being a Denny's. There is another restaurant to the east of the NAPA store which was a Mexican place the last time I went by. Before that it was a breakfast diner kind of place and the name escapes me. There was an Arthur Treacher's on Post Road around 38th Street and I think a Roy Rogers around there, too.
6. Feb 22, 06 01:15 PM | Michael Packer said:
That does indeed look like a Denny's. On Arlington Ave, between 21st and 16th, there's a converted Taco Bell... which stands right next to a new Taco Bell.
7. Oct 13, 06 02:37 PM | The old historian said:
Picture 2: Peggy's Restaurant was originally a location for a failed fried restaurant chain owned by MCL cafeterias.
Picture 3: The pawn shop was never a LJS. It was a steakhouse that I believe went by the name of The Lantern Inn.
Indiana Lighting was never an Arthur Treachers.
The chinese joint on East Washington was never a Ponderosa. It was a chain that served fish and chicken. I've forgotten the name.
The Irvington Napa store was a Sambos I believe. The building you see replaced an earlier Frisch Big Boy that had closed in the early 70s.
8. Nov 26, 06 06:36 PM | sak said:
lol, that former Lums was a sight for sore eyes, as I had resided in West El Lay(that's Los Angeles) for the better part of two years, and Lums was a place that I frequented. What is •not• featured in photo was the nifty outdoor dining area where one could enjoy a fine meal right in front of the bus bench...the taste of a delicious hamburger mixed with the aroma of the bus' exhaust could've been quite an experience, but I always ate indoors. But what really gets me is that Taco Bell Dentist. What's next?
An A&W Mortuary? Imagine carhops going out and dragging in...oh! nevermind:-D
9. Jan 9, 07 08:19 PM | michelle said:
I grew up in Lawrence but traveled all over the city with my mother and brothers. I thought that Lum's used
to be a Churchs at one time??? Not sure though?
10. Mar 15, 07 06:50 PM | Anna said:
My favorite is the old Noble Romans on 31, just north of Greenwood that is now a Sprint store!
11. Mar 23, 07 12:01 PM | Dolores Carroll said:
Are there any Tee Pee Restaurant buildings around anymore? There us to
be one next to the fairgrounds
12. Mar 29, 07 04:57 PM | Dave said:
RE: I'm not certain, but I think this Pawn shop used to be a Long John Silvers?
The building looks like an old Steak n' Ale.
13. Feb 24, 08 02:26 AM | Flood said:
The Napa was a Denny's and now it's gone and starbucks is there. Fine by me - really ugly place.
14. Mar 18, 08 09:54 AM | Tim said:
I am trying to remember the name of a carry-out pizza place on Shadeland. I seem to remember that it was an A-frame like building (maybe not)and was just south of Pendleton Pike on the east side of the street. Any help?
15. Aug 23, 08 09:10 PM | bill talbott said:
86th & Ditch is now Dunkin Donuts but the produce market was Fox Photo, one of the first one hr labs freestanding in the Country by Fox with a drive thru\=I did gthe deal with Sid $500/mo aganist 5%
16. Nov 23, 08 10:47 AM | Leslie said:
at the risk of aging myself, when I was a preschooler in 1979, the pawn shop at 38th & emerson used to be a Chinese Restaurant; it was red & green. then it became a nightclub; it was called ebony & Ivory (my mom used to go there). Don't know the exact yr on that; after all, i was too little to get in.
Also, that building that you guys are calling Peggy's or Lum's, I don't know what it is now, but it was a Kentucky Fried Chicken, and it was also Mary's Seafood.
17. Feb 24, 09 11:46 PM | sak said:
with all due respects to you, Leslie, I can say that the facade for 'Peggy's' *is* a Lum's; of course Peggy's had removed the nifty 'Lum's' logo, as well as the outdoor dining section, but as for that distinctive front, it's ALL Lum's!
Comments from sak, who was a preschooler in '57, while our family still resided in Seattle, WA, before we were transplanted to CA when I was 6.
18. Sep 6, 09 08:16 PM | christa said:
Didnt the Indiana lighting center used to be a Laughner's Cafeteria?
19. Oct 14, 09 12:35 AM | ida said:
i remember marys seafood. they also sold deserts.
the 3rd photo was called ebony and ivory about 10 years or so. it was a club.
20. Oct 14, 09 12:35 AM | ida said:
i remember marys seafood. they also sold deserts.
the 3rd photo was called ebony and ivory about 10 years or so. it was a club.
21. Jan 1, 10 02:21 AM | David said:
The building labled as Peggy's Restaurant looks like another that was near my childhood home at 46th and Shadeland. It was an attempt at the fast food market by MCL Cafeterias and was called MCL Golden Dome. When that didn't work, a KFC moved into the one by me but the building has since been torn down.
The NAPA store looks like a Golden Bear. They were a 24 hour chain very similar to Denny's but failed sometime in the early 80's. I believe that another one of the Golden Bear buildings still stands on the north side of Washington St. and is now a Denny's (right in front of Washington Square mall). As I recall all of the Golden Bear restaurants ( I preferred them to Denny's back then) had the large over hang from the roof over a sidewalk around art of the building.
22. Jan 21, 10 01:39 PM | Kristopher Baker said:
That Denny's on East Washington is now closed and the building may be vacant.
I'm surprised not to see the Dog'n'Suds - cum - car dealership on South Meridian/135, just south of Fry Road in Greenwood!
23. Oct 9, 10 06:41 PM | Mary B. said:
The building that now houses a chinese restaurant, which you deemed to be a former ponderosa was actually an Arthur Treacher's.