Kite-Flying in Indianapolis?
Topic: Indianapolis Living | Kids' Stuff
Posted: Mon, Feb 20, 2006
It's coming up on March, which is one of the best months to get good wind for kite-flying. (Although I guess April is National Kite Month.) I have a cool dragon kite and an excellent collapsible, portable nylon kite, neither of which I've ever flown -- but I'm determined to change that this year. So where's the best spot for kite-flying here in Indianapolis? I'm looking for a big open field with no trees or power lines, and while I have some ideas and a friend recommended Ellenburger Park, I'm open to suggestions.
And if you're looking for a cool wind-powered device of your own, I spotted some really excellent ones at Costco in Castleton last night. They had five or six varieties of sturdy, nylon 3-D kites for $9.99, including a Red Baron bi-plane, and a pirate ship complete with skull and cross-bones. I couldn't justify snapping one up because I haven't flown my own yet, but I'd be proud to own either of them.
If you're really into Kite-flying, you could organize a Midwest Festival. Looks like they're looking for volunteers.
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1. Feb 20, 06 10:28 AM | Jim Chalex said:
We like to fly our kites at the park on River road and 126th street in Carmel. Very wide open -- lots of room to crash and burn.
2. Feb 20, 06 10:59 AM | blalor said:
River Road park was going to be my suggestion, too. Lots of wide open spaces there. Broad Ripple Park's got plenty of space, as does Holliday Park.
3. Feb 20, 06 02:06 PM | Jason266 said:
I work with a guy who has hundreds of kites and pays hundreds of dollars for some of them. I think I'll take a $10 kite from Costco or Sam's Club.
4. Feb 22, 06 01:05 PM | Michael Packer said:
There's an empty field on the west side of Ditch Road, just south of 91st street. People fly kites there all the time.
5. Mar 26, 06 12:56 AM | Welend Night Owl said:
Chatard High School 's football field isn't too bad for some kite flying as long as there are no athletic events going on. Also there is a huge football field just as you come into Fort Ben when coming in on 56th street that is right before the officer's housing begins where I have had some luck before.
6. Apr 19, 06 07:33 PM | John Parent said:
I'm moving to indy in May and I'm looking for info on the kite situation there . . . stores, clubs, and of course fields (thanks) also interested in astronomy
7. Apr 20, 06 07:05 AM | Rachel Wolfe said:
Hi, John -- welcome to town! You might want to check out the J.L. Holcomb Observatory & Planetarium on the Butler University campus. It's a popular field trip destination for schools and scouts -- they have one of those huge telescopes.
8. Jul 28, 06 10:38 AM | Tom said:
Am looking for a great kite shop in the INDY or North INDY area that carry stunt kites, two and three lines. Plus addition parts for stunt kites.
9. Jan 20, 07 05:55 PM | Masami Takakuwa said:
I would like to have a kite workshop at the children museum this year.
Are there anyone having any connection with the museum ?
10. May 6, 08 10:09 PM | Pat C. said:
I'm planning a trip to Indianapolis and would like to know where one would find a kite store in the area.
11. May 30, 08 06:51 AM | Christina said:
Is there a place that sell kites here in Indy? My son is interested in this hobby and viewing choices in person would make for a better experience I believe.