We're Sorry Norm!
Topic: Indianapolis Living
Posted: Wed, Oct 3, 2007
Wow, it's been a while.
If anyone hadn't noticed, we've been in a rather large dry spell. No new posts, no new reviews - no new anything! Well darn it, that's life on the web I suppose.
The truth of the matter is that we, as living, working, breathing and underpaid adults... are slackers. "Say it isn't so!" come the cries of the faithful, but yes - it is true. We all have lots going on in our lives and ultimately, there was little time coming available for most of us who thought "Hey - I should post on IndyScribe about that..."
Well, it's a noble intent, to be sure. But even those with the best of intentions find it easier to fall asleep on the couch instead of logging in and posting whatever may have happened to them over the week-end or the latest shenanigans seen on the evening news. Then came the notion that IndyScribe felt like a job (which it was never meant to be) and that we should be more of a news source (um... no thank you) or... or... we should *censor* ourselves so as to not offend.
If you've ever read anything by me (Mike), you'll know that I'm probably one of the more flippant, casual and opinionated writers for the site, so none of that really sat comfortably in my craw.
Is "craw" even really a word? I mean... I know it is, but seriously... say it a few times... go ahead. I'm not going anywhere.
The short of this little bit of fluff is that we're all still "around". Steph has been engaged in cross-country site seeing. Jim and Brent started new jobs. The three of us still play in a band together and we almost had a show booked. Jen has been experiencing domestic bliss and Rachel ... what the hell has Rachel been doing? I'd say that she's been doing things that are more interesting than what make up my mundane life.
So, Norm - we're sorry. We're sorry that we've gone astray. We loved that you loved to come here and see what's up on our end of things. We'd send you something, but we don't have your home address. Hopefully the faithful have kept us in their RSS feeds and have since forgotten to remove us.
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1. Oct 19, 07 09:03 PM | Norm said:
So Mike ... you are still there! I was beginning to think you'd skipped your internet payments ... and AlGerrr had pulled the plug. :-) The quiet nature of the Scribe forced me to explore large stacks of pressed plant fibers found in these quaint little square boxes outside of restaurants and such. Since I don't have a bird cage and I have a real deep appreciation for trees ... I'm glad you're finally back! :-)
2. Sep 17, 13 03:54 PM | flippa said:
I do believe the many concepts you may have announced on your posting. These are pretty begging all of which will certainly do the job. Even so, this articles are so small first of all. Could you please lengthen these folks a little by up coming time period? Thanks for the posting.