Michael's Great House Hunt
Topic: Indianapolis Living
Posted: Wed, Jan 5, 2005
Perhaps I'm a little typical of my Gen-X slacker brethren. I'm already into my 30s and I've just now decided that apartment living is not the coolest and the idea of "equity" is something that is appealing to me. Plus I would like to stop sharing my wall space with drug dealers, 3 A.M. vacuum sweepers and the occasional cockroach.
So I've been looking at houses.
My first foray was the Internet, where I saw that for a price not much more than my first real car, I could own a home complete with plywood for window treatments. So yeah – I began looking around. And let me tell you… there just isn't much in Indiana beyond the pre-fab Davis home death traps that have sprung up like dandelions in the spring. And I mean that.
So I'm not nearly cool enough, nor rich enough to have landed one of the Victorian era monsters downtown on the Old North Side just before the neighborhood boomed and now the price of a gutted fixer-upper will buy you a block of houses west of the White River. I'm not kidding. You can pick up a house across the river from IUPUI for about 15K. Try finding a house near 16th and Delaware that has more than just "good bones" for less than 100K. Good luck. I'm not cheap, but I'm not about to drown myself in mortgage debt either.
Let me retract part of my previous statement. There are some interesting homes in Indianapolis. But after having spent some time in Los Angeles, Miami and Tampa Bay/St Pete, you tend to fall in love with Mission and Mediterraranean style architecture from the 1950s. So we all can't live in a home that looks like a swank getaway for the Rat Pack, but I want something more than four walls and a 5x5 concrete block to serve as my porch and my patio.
Where are all the interesting houses in Indianapolis? Was there a ban on style around here over the last 100 years? Is there still a ban on style? Someone get me out of this 3-bedroom ranch countrified boring city and give me a town with some sauciness! Give me some curved walls! Give me some brick! Give me some eaves and overhangs! Give me some palm trees!
Ok, so the palm trees aren't going to happen. And really, Indianapolis isn't that bad. If you'll bear with me, I'll somehow try to make sense of this hunt for a stylish house for the right price over the days to come.
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1. Jan 5, 05 10:26 PM | Steph Mineart said:
God knows it's frustrating to find a house with style and all the stuff you need in a great price range (I made 6 offers on houses before I finally landed one) but it can be done. With any luck, I can have you visit my friend Mike's or Jason's houses to see what great finds they made here in Indy. And I have to point out that the price range of those mission houses that you're in love with in California and Florida is probably pretty prohibitive even with a cost of living adjustment.
2. Jan 6, 05 04:12 PM | Brent Mundy said:
Another thing to consider is how long you plan on living in the house. You can par down your "must have" list if you only plan on living in the house for a few years. We loved our first house, but we knew that we were not going to be living in it for more than 5 or 6 years. That first house was a great opportunity to gain some home-owner experience and build equity. Our second house met many more of our needs (and wants). I'd expect to move another time or two before landing our "dream home". Looking for a dream home first time out may be an exercise in frustration (if not futility).
At the same time, you need to be happy enough with your decision to not regret it.