I'm Not Lost, I Live Here
Topic: Hoosier Oddities
Posted: Thu, Dec 1, 2005
Have you seen the bumper stickers that read, "I'm Not Lost, I Live Here. Rocky Ripple, Indiana"?
I've long been curious about these bumper stickers. I thought it was some sort of political statement. An African-American woman I used to work with had been pulled over several times in a mainly-white Indy suburb, and asked by the police officer if she was lost. She swore she was going to get a bumper sticker that said, "Cityname: I'm not lost, I live here." When I saw the Rocky Ripple bumper sticker, I thought that perhaps something similar was going on.
Apparently, the bumper sticker is not politically motivated. In fact, it's highlighted on the Rocky Ripple web site, right after, "Be a part of the annual Holiday Gift Bazaar!" As the site explains,
"The Town of Rocky Ripple is located in Marion County, outside of the original boundaries of Indianapolis. To the east is the Indianapolis Water Company Canal, to the west is the White River, they meet at the north, and Butler University athletic fields are to the south. We have two bridges that cross the canal at 52nd and 53rd Streets. These are the only ways in or out of town, and they result in many people getting lost in Rocky Ripple. Hence the bumper sticker ..."I'm not lost, I live here!"
So, not so political. Unless, of course, it's a major Town Hall coverup(!). Any Rocky Ripple Residents care to chime in?
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1. Dec 3, 05 12:52 PM | torporindy said:
Have you ever been to Rocky Ripple? I was lost the few times I've ended up there. I think the sticker alludes to the fact there are few roads in/out because of the river. The only people who go there are either lost or live there.
2. Dec 3, 05 12:54 PM | torporindy said:
Ok, I am a skimmer. I missed the explanation from the RR website!
3. Dec 17, 05 08:50 PM | erin said:
I used to live there when I was younger. It definitely refers to the fact that a lot of people end up lost there since it's pretty much an island. You have to drive over water to get in and out of the neighborhood. One problem with that actually is that people will get drunk in broad ripple and drive home and get lost in rocky ripple and end up driving into the canal. There is a street that is actually also the canal path (with no guardrails). It's not so safe. A few people have drowned. Anyway, I loved that neighborhood. I would live there again in a heartbeat. It's such a community oriented place. Like an actual town in Indianapolis. Very cool.
4. Feb 15, 07 03:36 PM | Daniel Axler said:
I made the bumper stickers when on the town board!!
it is a groovy tiny town...
5. Dec 29, 07 12:28 PM | Phil Lavoie said:
My partner and I happened upon Rocky Ripple when they were having an outdoor festival. It was a lot of fun, the only regret was that we didn't bring my cash, so we split a sandwich and had an ear of corn. But the neighborhood seemed quirky in such a good way.