A Christmas Story at the Indiana Historical Society
Posted: Tue, Nov 29, 2005
The Indiana Historical Society will be showing the classic Christmas special "A Christmas Story" (set in Indiana) on family days throughout the holiday season. (Family days are December 3, 10 and 17 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
In addition, they have a display of Christmas scenes from the past, including a depiction of the "leg lamp" living room scene from the movie.
And, to top it off, you can buy A Christmas Story merchandise through the IHS store, including your very own "major award" leg lamp. (Click on the "A Christmas Story" link in the left column.) Rumor has it that at one time there was a snowglobe of Flick with his tongue stuck on the lamppost, but it's not in the store now.
Of course, if you don't want to visit the Historical Society, you can always turn on whatever television station it is that broadcasts the movie 24 hours a day on Christmas day, like my family does. I think the year that I saw the movie 8 times in the same day and no one would let me change the channel really changed the way I feel about it.
Maybe if I read the book (author Jean Shepard is an Indiana native who's books are also available in the store) I regain my fond feelings for Ralphie and his Red Ryder.
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