Bring Them Home Now Tour Stops In Indy
Topic: Events & Festivals
Posted: Tue, Sep 6, 2005
The Gold Star Families for Peace Bus Tour stops for a few days in downtown Indianapolis to speak and visit with Indianapolis residents. Hosted by the North Meadow Circle of Friends at 1710 North Talbott Street, the visit drew supporters from in town and outside of Indianapolis, the media, and a small handful of protestors from inside the downtown neighborhood of Herron-Morton Place.
Cindy Sheehan was not with this leg of the bus tour, and is currently visiting with the eastern part of tour. The central tour participants are individuals whose family members were killed in Iraq. They spoke briefly, and then met people and rested and picnicked with members of the Circle of Friends Church.
The bus tour will be in town until Wednesday, when they will drive on to their next stop in Columbus, Ohio on the way to Washington, D.C.
I talked briefly to Beatriz Saldivar of Fort Worth, TX, whose nephew Daniel Torres was killed in action on February 4th, 2005 in Baygii, 155 miles north of Baghdad, on his 2nd tour of Iraq when an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) exploded and hit his unarmored Humvee.
I also talked with a woman who drove up from Louisville, Kentucky to meet the bus tour participants and give them her support. She felt the drive was worth it to let them know they were appreciated.
The small group of people protesting the visit by the Bus Tour were from inside the Herron-Morton neighborhood. They decided as part of their protest to vandalize the street in front of the long-time neighborhood Quaker Church with spray-painted signs. The North Meadow Circle of Friends church has been active in Herron-Morton community life for many years, participating in neighborhood volunteer activities and providing help and support to neighborhood residents.
The neighborhood is now debating the best way to erase or cover up the graffiti.
The man with the sunglasses is the one who spray-painted the street. His name is Scott, and he lives here on Talbott Street. A few years ago, he was arrested during an altercation with another neighbor in which he exposed himself, so he has a reputation in the neighborhood.
Protestors packing up and going home after being ignored by the crowd.
A photo mosaic of George Bush, made from the pictures of soldiers killed in Iraq.
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1. Sep 7, 05 09:23 AM | Michael Packer said:
So... was Scott arrested for vandalism?
2. Sep 7, 05 10:07 AM | Brent said:
Scott also seems to have a problem with apostrophes. And question marks. Maybe they are optional when you are spray painting?
3. Sep 7, 05 10:41 AM | Steph Mineart said:
No, we didn't cause a scene and drag the police down. I had to go to another event, and my friends didn't want to have a confrontation because he lives right next to them.
4. Sep 7, 05 03:11 PM | Steph Mineart said:
The Indy Star notes the spray painted street also:
5. Sep 8, 05 09:54 AM | Michael Packer said:
I think it's ok to ditch the grammar when you're defacing public property. Though you could go back with a can of red spray paint and correct his work, I'm sure.