One Book, One City: Selection Announced
Topic: Books
Posted: Mon, Jan 9, 2006
The latest selection in the "One Book, One City" program, sponsored by the Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library and the Office of the Mayor, is Catch Me If You Can by Frank Abagnale. This book was adapted into the screenplay for the 2002 movie of the same name, starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
The Library's website hosts a downloadable discussion guide (66 KB .pdf), whose last three pages are specific to this title. The rest of that document is basic info on how to organize and lead a book group.
See the 25 finalists (out of 270 entries) for the One Book, One City program, and read the official announcement.
2. Jan 13, 06 09:24 AM | Rachel Wolfe said:
I haven't heard of the Paulsen book, sounds interesting -- and the Mowat sounds hilarious. I like non-fiction adventure stories like those.
Of the 25 finalists, I have read 10, but I'm not very excited by this particular list of books. I'm a big fan of mysteries, but it seems like they're not the best choice for this kind of initiative -- for a wide-reaching program like this, I would try to pick something not quite so genre-specific as the Cornwell, Evanovich, or Grisham. I like your suggestions better.
Hmm, if I had to suggest a couple of titles, I might offer these (and I'm blanking on great non-fiction entries, so these are all fiction):
=> "Ella Minnow Pea" by Mark Dunn -- a social satire which reminds me of Ionesco's "Rhinoceros"
=> "Enigma" by Robert Harris -- WW2 drama/spy novel, but more detailed and (dare I say) literary than most of that type; this includes some fascinating history of Bletchley Park and the cracking of the codes
=> "Memoirs of a Geisha" by Arthur Golden -- just a fascinating book, very detailed and well-researched, much more intricate than the movie
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1. Jan 12, 06 09:01 AM | Norm said:
I would have recommended: Winterdance: The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod by Gary Paulsen.
Extremely funny story for outdoor enthuiast.
Or ... Boat Who wouldn't Float, by Farley Mowat. A book that anyone thinking about buying their first boat should read. Very funny!